18 November 2008

NNOOO!! Why so different?...

Why...why the exercise that I did for add math did not come out...
Instead it come out really hard question that I never see before...
For some reason today's add math paper was super hard...
And really different from the past year question...(at lease it's what i think...)
So...Overall i think i can get a C or B for add math...
Oh~ I think i can get a C for my Moral too~ =)
Finally I can smile while doing my moral...After like what...
Failing streak since form 4 1st test?... Oh well...Add math and moral down...
Up next Chemistry~ Need...bit...more...exercise... And~
11 papers, 4 random days and 4 more subject left!! Wakakaka!!
Its ENDING!! Cant wait... =P

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