4 March 2009

Update: To get list~ XD

Just to keep my blog updated~ XD


I want my P Licence~ XD


Uhh I just want to reach 65kg by my b’day~ =)

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Me need a new bass cable!


Need to get a Tuner Metronome. (i need money T-T)


A classical guitar~ (money money money) XD

So that its easier for me and my sister to learnt guitar~


My strap cacat adi… T-T



Haha~ I like phone~ COOKIE!! XD

ps: I need to find work asap in order to get most of this stuff~ T-T

pss: i got no idea what to update.

Oh~ and cherry is…cherry~ XD

2 comment and thought:

Dree said...

wow...someone had a long wish list..gambate man!!

Nicki said...

u wan classical guitar?
i got one that nobody uses.. haha