23 March 2009


Copy and paste and put your own answers in. The purpose of this is to get to know your friends better and it’s so much fun!


Here are the rules:

Post this list on your profile,in notes,replacing my answers with yours. You can add the notes tab to your profile page.

Tag 25 people to do the same thing.

1. Were You named After Anyone??
     Not that i know of.
2. When was the last time you cried?
     Uhh… Pre-MAD camp 2009. =P
3.Do you like your handwriting?
    Erm…The truth is…NO. But i’m working on improving it~ =D

4.What is your fav lunch meat?
    Mutton? XD

5. Do you have kids?
    Uhh…No…not yet…

6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
    Haha Sure~ double me~ XD

7.Do you use sarcasm?
    Most of the time~ =P

8. Do you still have your tonsils?
    Dont remember losing it~ so Yea!

9.Would you bungee jump?
    YES!! If i have a good insurance coverage. =P

10.What is your favourite cereal?
     If i say cornflakes is it odd? Cornflakes and koko krunch campur~ XD
11.Do you untie your shoe when you take them off?
     Nope~ Not even for washing~ =P
12. What colour is my towel?
      Uhh…Its all mixed up with my family member~ Rainbow colour~ XD
13. What is your favourite Ice-cream?
      Nestle(tm) Drumstick~ (correct spelling ar?) XD

14. What is the first thing you notice about people?
      Uhh…I dont know… “Ahh Fellow human!” ?

15. Red or pink?
      both~ =P

16. What is your least favourite thing about yourself?
      Spare tire~ >.<

17. Who do you miss the most? 
      SE youth and HSG~ =P

18. Do you want everyone to complete this list?
      I…Dont know…Yes?

19. What colour pants and shoes are you wearing?
      Black shorts and bear foot.

20. What is/was your favourite toy?
      KIKI!! Wanna see it? Ask me on MSN. =P

21. What are you listening to right now?
       Planet Shakers – It’s all about Jesus!

22. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
      Now this is hard…Either Green or Blue

23. Favourite smells?
       Food(s) (high 5 Ben!) lol

24. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
      Victor, telling me that John ask me to get a cab to church! T-T

25. Favourite Drink
      Mango Lassie? XD

26. Favourite sports to watch?
      No sports, only Mythbuster’s XD

27. Hair Colour?

28.Eye Colour?
     Same as above, Black
29. Do you wear contacts?
      Nope…Dont need them.

30. Favourite food?
      Sushi!! Tempura!! Shasimi!! Tepanyaki!! I’m Hungry!! lol

31. Scary movies or Happy Endings?
      Happy Endings.
32. Last Movie you watched?
      Bedtime story?

33. What colour Shirt are u wearing?

34. Summer or winter?
      Anything but wet and hot like in malaysia!
35.Hugs or kisses?
      Both! I can be greedy~ XD 

36. Favourite pastime?
       MP3 + Cherry + Keybord = Music ^^

37. Most likely to respond?
      Eer….ayat tergantung la~

38. Lease likely to respond?
      Hello? Incomplete question –1 mark. =X

39. What book are you reading now?
      Tag’s by friends. I mean No not reading any.

40. What is on your mouse pad?
      I got no mouse pad~ =P

41. What did you watch on TV last night?
      Didnt watch tv yesterday~ =P

42. Favorite Sound(s)?
      Bass, Grand piano, acoustic guitar, and drum’s. Oh and also seashore. =)

43. Rolling Stones Or Beatles?
      Swiss roll or doughnut? Sorry mouth itchy for food. XD

44. Where is the fathest place you been from home?
      Australia~ Me miss de kangaroo and koalas. Also my uncle there~ =)

45. Do you have a special talent? 
      I do! But i dont know what is it yet~ =X

46. Where were you born?
      Pantai Hospital, Bangsa XD

47. Whose answer ae you looking forward to getting back?
      And answer from God! Not for this question though, For my question. =X

48. How did you meet your spouse/significant other?
      Spouse belum ada, person i like, hehehe msn me to find out.

49. If you could vote, would you vote for or against gov?
      I cant say here, Later i kena ISA.
50.Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
     Uhh…In a lab? At church serving? On the road traveling? Who knows? =)
I tag:

No i’m not tagging anyone, if u want to do~ pls do, tell me that ur doing though~ XD

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